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Planning opportunities for clients who own a business


Date Available now on demand Duration 54 minutes

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Imagine your client sells their business, but now the proceeds are liable for inheritance tax. Or, perhaps your client is looking to extract money from their business as tax-efficiently as possible.

This episode of The Octopus Online Show focuses on clients who are business owners.

What to expect:

  • Our in-house experts discuss ideas that can maximise the planning you do for business owners.
  • Hear practical ideas for engaging with accountants about business owner referrals.
  • We bring in an accountant to explore the opportunity for advisers to collaborate with accountants.

Special guests:

  • Richard Bertin, Tether founder and CEO
  • John Gaskell, ICAEW’s Head of Personal Financial Planning

To watch, just enter your details on this page and hit confirm.

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Our presenters

Nick Bird

Nick Bird

Head of Strategic Growth
Nick has been at Octopus for the last seven years of his two-decade long career in financial services. He works closely with advice firms to identify areas for growth.
Chloe Allan

Chloe Allan

Area Sales Manager
Chloe has over 6 years experience working at Octopus, helping financial advisers across the UK. Chloe started with Octopus as a business development manager, but over the last 6 years has worked in an inheritance tax expert role, helped advisers grow their professional connections network, and has spent a month working abroad in Malawi for Chance for Change (through one of our partners The International Exchange).

More episodes in this series