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Maximising the tax planning opportunities in your client bank


Date Available now on demand Duration 1 hour 48 minutes

Register to attend

Watch this on demand tax planning show for:

  • An overview on how VCTs, EIS and BPR work
  • Tax planning ideas for three areas of your client bank
  • Three adviser interviews about the planning opportunities they're finding
  • Interview with a compliance expert on how to approach this type of planning

Here’s what a couple of attendees said about this show…

"A fabulous refresher for me. Kept me listening all the way through! It was great to see advisers involved in the presentation and giving their own experiences and viewpoints."

"Plethora of tax opportunities and strategies to position to my clients."

Fill in your details to watch this on demand webinar and get 1.5 hours of CPD now. 

Key risks to keep in mind

  • The value of a tax-efficient investment, and any income from it, can fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the full amount they invest.
  • Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and could change in the future.
  • Tax relief depends on smaller companies and VCTs maintaining their qualifying status.

Our presenters

Nick Bird

Nick Bird

Head of Strategic Growth
Nick has been at Octopus for the last seven years of his two-decade long career in financial services. He works closely with advice firms to identify areas for growth.
Steve Skelding

Steve Skelding

Head of Key Partnerships
Head of Strategic Partnerships at Octopus Investments, where he has worked for 7 years as part of a career of over 30 years in financial services. He works closely with some of our larger distribution partners to identify exciting new opportunities.

More episodes in this series