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Advising older clients during the pandemic


Date Available now on demand Duration 49 minutes

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Advising older clients during the pandemic

We spoke to guest expert Tish Hanifan, founder and joint chair of the Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA), about advising vulnerable clients remotely. 

Plus, we heard how some advisers are continuing to advise elderly clients at this time.

You'll notice that there are two minutes of holding screen at the start. This is intended to ensure you have time to check your sound and perhaps even boil the kettle and get settled before the show starts. If you want to though, you can skip forward two minutes.

Our presenters

Nick Bird

Nick Bird

Head of Strategic Growth
Nick has been at Octopus for the last seven years of his two-decade long career in financial services. He works closely with advice firms to identify areas for growth.
Sally Boyle

Sally Boyle

Area Sales Director
Sally is the Area Sales Director for the North and Southeast. She has worked for Octopus for nine years, meeting advisers in every part of the UK and helping them find the best estate planning solutions for their clients.

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