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Octopus AIM VCTs

Investing in emerging UK companies listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM)

closed Closed for new investment

Octopus AIM VCTs

Investing in emerging UK companies listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM)

closed Closed for new investment

The Octopus AIM VCTs feature around 90 established, maturing businesses from a diverse range of sectors, from building materials and pharmaceuticals to software development and battery technology. 

The team focuses on companies where there’s a strong business idea and plenty of room to grow.

Reasons to invest

Annual dividend target

Octopus AIM VCT targets 5% dividend yield or 5p per share, whichever is greater.

Octopus AIM VCT 2 targets a 5% dividend yield or 3.6p per share, whichever is greater.

Proven management

Octopus has one of the largest teams dedicated to investing in AIM-listed companies.

Established and diversified

The combined portfolios have around 90 companies across a wide variety of industries.

Tax reliefs

Income tax relief equal to 30% of the amount invested up to the first £200,000 of investment.

Tax-free capital gains and dividends.

Risks to bear in mind

Capital at risk

The value of an investment, and income from it can fall as well as rise. Investors could end up getting back less than they put in.

Tax rules treatment

Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and tax rules could change in the future.

Volatility and liquidity

VCT shares could fall or rise in value more than other shares listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. They may also be harder to sell.

VCT qualification status

Tax reliefs depend on the VCT maintaining its qualifying status.

Octopus AIM VCTs are now closed for new investment

If you missed out on this year’s fundraise, you could apply for one of our other open VCTs.

Octopus AIM VCTs are now closed for new investment

If you missed out on this year’s fundraise, you could apply for one of our other open VCTs.

Meet our fund managers

Hear from the people who manage the Octopus AIM VCT portfolios on what makes a great VCT company.

25 years of AIM: A success story

Last year, AIM celebrated 25 years, we sat down with Octopus fund managers, Richard Power and Kate Tidbury. Richard and Kate share their recollections of having invested since the day AIM launched.


Year to 28 February 20192020 202120222023
Octopus AIM VCT
NAV Total Return¹
Octopus AIM VCT 2
NAV Total Return¹
FTSE AIM All-Share
Total Return²
FTSE All-Share
Total Return²
1.70%-1.43% 3.50%16.03%7.30%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and may not be repeated. Please note, the net asset value (NAV) per share may be higher than the share price, which is the price you may get for shares on the secondary market.

1 NAV Total Return
This shows the last 12 months performance including the dividends paid out to 28 February for the last five years. This is calculated from the movement in the NAV over the year to 28 February with any dividends paid over that period added back. The revised figure is divided by the NAV at the start of that year to get the annual total return. Performance shown is net of all ongoing fees and costs.

² FTSE AIM and All Share Total Return
Performance is shown alongside the total returns of the FTSE AIM and FTSE All Share indices. Investors should note that none of these indices are used as a benchmark for the Octopus AIM VCTs but are included as indicators of activity in the broader UK equity market.

Fund highlights

Net asset value (NAV)

As at 17 April 2023





Funds under management

As at 28 February 2023





Cumulative dividends paid

Since September 2008





Number of holdings

As at 28 February 2023





Year end date


28 Feb


30 Nov

Fund inception*





*Octopus took on management of both funds in September 2008.

Fund updates

Shareholder information

See the announcements and reports for shareholders in Octopus AIM VCTs, and find relevant contact information.

Who could benefit from VCTs?

Our VCT planning scenarios show how different types of clients can benefit from a VCT investment.

If you are investing in the Octopus AIM VCTs through a financial adviser, here are two ways we can facilitate fees. For other options view page 22 of the AIM VCT brochure.

Through a financial adviser who charges a one-off fee

You can ask for the one-off fee for the investment advice to be paid on your behalf through the VCT.

Through a financial adviser who charges ongoing fees

Where an investor receives ongoing advice, you can choose to pay your financial adviser a smaller initial fee and ongoing fees for as long as you hold the investment. Both of these fees can be paid on your behalf through the VCT.

When investing through a financial adviser, clients have two ways to facilitate fees. For other options view page 22 of the AIM VCT brochure.

If you charge a one-off fee

The one off-fee for the investment advice can be paid on your client’s behalf through the VCT.

If you charge ongoing fees

Where your client receives ongoing advice, they can choose to pay you a smaller initial fee and ongoing fees for as long as they hold the investment. Both of these fees can be paid on the investor’s behalf through the VCT.

 Advised (initial only) Advised (initial and ongoing) Direct investor
Upfront charges Initial fee (to Octopus)  3%  3% 5.5%
Adviser charges  Up to 4.5%  Up to 2.5%
Ongoing annual charges Effective annual management charge (to Octopus) ¹  1.5%  1.5% 1.5%
Adviser charges ²  Up to 0.5%
Direct applicationOngoing charge (to Octopus) ²0.5%

1. Octopus charges an annual management charge of 2% per annum. However, Octopus reduces this by the amount of the maximum ongoing adviser charges which creates an ‘effective rate’ of 1.5% for the first nine years.

2. Ongoing adviser charges, direct charges or commission can only be paid for a maximum of nine years after the investment date. After these charges stop, the effective annual management charge paid to Octopus will revert to the full 2%. If an investor chooses to pay their adviser less than the maximum amount shown, the Octopus AIM VCTs will use the money left over to buy more shares for the investor.

 Advised (initial only) Advised (initial and ongoing)
Upfront charges Initial fee (to Octopus)  3%  3%
Adviser charges  Up to 4.5%  Up to 2.5%
Ongoing annual charges Effective annual management charge (to Octopus) ¹  1.5%  1.5%
Adviser charges ²  Up to 0.5%

1. Octopus charges an annual management charge of 2% per annum. However, Octopus reduces this by the amount of the maximum ongoing adviser charges which creates an ‘effective rate’ of 1.5% for the first nine years.

2. Ongoing adviser charges can only be paid for a maximum of nine years after the investment date. After these charges stop, the effective annual management charge paid to Octopus will revert to the full 2%. If an investor chooses to pay their adviser less than the maximum amount shown, the Octopus AIM VCTs will use the money left over to buy more shares for the investor.

Key documents

Octopus AIM VCTs ProspectusDownload
Octopus AIM VCTs product overviewDownload
Octopus AIM VCTs brochureDownload
Octopus AIM VCT Key Information DocumentDownload
Octopus AIM VCT 2 Key Information DocumentDownload
Octopus AIM VCT factsheetDownload
Octopus AIM VCT 2 factsheetDownload
Octopus AIM VCTs supplementary prospectusDownload

Key documents

Octopus AIM VCTs ProspectusDownload
Octopus AIM VCTs product overviewDownload
Octopus AIM VCTs brochureDownload
Octopus AIM VCT Key Information DocumentDownload
Octopus AIM VCT 2 Key Information DocumentDownload
Octopus AIM VCT factsheetDownload
Octopus AIM VCT 2 factsheetDownload
Octopus AIM VCTs supplementary prospectusDownload

How to invest

  • The minimum investment in an Octopus AIM VCTs is £5,000.
  • Clients can only claim tax relief on VCT investments of up to £200,000 in any single tax year.

  • Clients can choose to invest a one-off amount via bank transfer, cheque or banker’s draft.
  • We’ll allot your client’s VCT shares at the next available allotment date.

How to invest

  • The minimum investment in an Octopus AIM VCTs is £5,000.
  • You can only claim tax relief on VCT investments of up to £200,000 in any single tax year.
  • You can choose to invest a one-off amount via bank transfer, cheque or banker’s draft.
  • We’ll allot your client’s VCT shares at the next available allotment date.

Contact our team

If you have a question about an existing VCT, please visit our FAQ page.

We’re here to support you

If you have a question about an existing VCT, please visit our FAQ page.

Please read: We do not offer investment or tax advice, and we always recommend investors talk to a financial adviser before making investment decisions. This advertisement is not a prospectus. Investors should only subscribe for shares on the basis of information contained in the prospectus and Key Information Documents (KID), which are available in the document section of this page.