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Octopus Live Online:
Tax planning in today’s economy

The must-see show covering client planning opportunities.


Date Available now on demand Duration 47 minutes

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A lot has changed over the past two years. From rising inflation, house prices and tax receipts, to falling and volatile listed markets, clients have been impacted in a number of ways.

But these changes have given rise to new planning opportunities, including opportunities to harness the benefits of the private markets.

Watch this webinar to uncover how you could add significant value to clients.

In this webinar…

  • How clients can target inflation-beating growth and diversify away from listed markets.
  • How your clients can gain access to private market (EIS, VCT and BR) investments, and how this could support your clients’ tax planning.
  • Find inspiration for client planning, with scenarios including clients who need to manage higher income tax and capital gains tax liabilities, landlords feeling the pinch, and clients who need to revisit estate planning.
  • Hear from special guests and industry experts, including a fund manager from one of Europe’s largest venture capital teams, and Dr Brian Moretta, Head of Tax Enhanced Research at Hardman & Co.

This webinar qualifies for 1 hour’s CPD

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