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Suitability and due diligence with Rory Percival


Date Available now on demand Duration 42 minutes

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“Suitable is suitable. You just need to demonstrate how you’ve got to that position. With any suitability report I’d keep it as personalised as possible. That’s what the FCA are looking for.”

Octopus sat down with Rory Percival, a leading expert on financial regulation, to get his thoughts on how advisers and paraplanners should approach suitability and due diligence.

Watch the interview – and get 45 minutes’ CPD.

Who is Rory Percival?

Rory Percival spent ten years at the FCA as a technical specialist, covering everything related to financial advice and advice firms.

In this video, he shares his thoughts on the most important things to consider when it comes to due diligence and writing suitability reports.

He also dispels a few common myths.