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Get to know the Octopus Inheritance Tax Service


Date Available now on demand Duration 1 hour 11 minutes

Register to attend

For professional advisers and paraplanners only. Not to be relied upon by retail investors.

Are these situations familiar to you?

  • A client wants to plan for inheritance tax but is reluctant to lose control of wealth in their lifetime.
  • Inheritance tax planning has become a priority for a client, but they worry they might not survive the seven-year taper required when making gifts from the estate.
  • A client has an estate planning issue and has a Power of Attorney in place.

If you’ve got clients like this, you might have considered investments which qualify for Business Property Relief as a potential solution to these challenges.

Watch this webinar to learn how the Octopus Inheritance Tax Service can help your clients

It’s a BPR-qualifying investment, so it allows your clients to keep access and control of their money. Plus, anything they invest will be free from inheritance tax assuming they hold the investment for two years and on death. The Service invests in unlisted companies and targets a predictable steady growth.

The webinar will cover

  • Who the service might be a good fit for
  • What the service invests in and its performance
  • How we can support your estate planning business

Risks to bear in mind

  • The value of an investment, and any income from it, can fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the full amount they invest.
  • Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and could change in the future.
  • Tax relief depends on portfolio companies maintaining their qualifying status.
  • The shares of unquoted companies could fall or rise in value more than shares listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. They may also be harder to sell.


Rob Skinner

Rob Skinner

Head of Octopus Inheritance Tax Service Team
Jessica Franks

Jessica Franks

Head of Retail Investment Products
Nick Bird

Nick Bird

Head of Strategic Growth