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Webinar: Octopus Apollo VCT overview


Date Available now on demand Duration 52 minutes

Register to attend

With Octopus Apollo VCT open for new investment, watch this webinar to hear from one of the investment managers of the VCT.

What you’ll learn

  • An overview of the VCT, how we invest and recent performance
  • A look at some exciting portfolio companies and how they have responded to the challenges and opportunities of COVID-19
  • A review of the outlook for Apollo VCT
  • How to get involved in this year’s fundraise, making the most of the early bird discount and upcoming dividend

Octopus Apollo VCT invests in businesses that have already brought their product or service to market successfully. Investors get access to a diversified portfolio of around 50 companies.

Key risks to bear in mind

  • The value of an investment and any income from it can fall as well as rise. Investors could end up getting back less than they put in
  • Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may change in the future.
  • VCT shares could fall or rise in value more than other shares listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. They may also be harder to sell
  • Tax reliefs depend on the VCT maintaining its qualifying status

This advertisement is not a prospectus. Investors should only subscribe for shares based on information in the prospectus and Key Information Document (KID), which can be obtained from

Our speakers

Tom Wood

Tom Wood

Business Development Manager
Richard Court

Richard Court

Head of Development Capital