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Behind the scenes of Octopus Apollo VCT


Date Available now on demand Duration 54 minutes

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For professional advisers and paraplanners only. Not to be relied upon by retail investors.

This is an on demand webinar recorded on 27 April 2023. All information will have been correct at the time, but some statistics and deadlines may now be out of date.

You can still submit questions, but these won't be answered in the Q&A. Instead a member of our team will get in touch with an answer.  

With Octopus Apollo VCT now open to new investment, don’t miss this opportunity to get behind the scenes and hear from Richard Court, its lead fund manager.

Apollo VCT invests in technology companies that have already brought their product or service to market successfully, and which need investment to further accelerate their growth.

This distinction makes the VCT an interesting option for clients.

Investors access a diversified portfolio of over 40 companies with high growth potential, the majority of which are in business-to-business (B2B) software. Many of these businesses benefit from contracted revenues1, giving them the potential to show resilience in economic downturns.

In this webinar

  • A look ahead at why we’re excited for Octopus Apollo VCT’s portfolio of B2B software businesses.
  • How the VCT is well positioned in the current economic environment.
  • Why you should consider Apollo VCT for clients early in the tax year.
  • The latest performance and highlights from portfolio companies from the fund manager.

Risks to bear in mind:

  • The value of an investment, and any income from it, can fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the full amount they invest.
  • Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may change in the future.
  • Tax reliefs depend on the VCT maintaining its VCT-qualifying status.
  • VCT shares are by their nature high risk, their share price may be volatile and they may be hard to sell.

1 ‘Seizing the subscription business model’, report, IBM Institute for Business Value, 13 June 2022.

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