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Corporate Inheritance Tax planningWhen a company has too much cash, it can affect its ability to be free from inheritance tax. But companies have options.
FP Octopus UK Future Generations FundWe’re targeting long-term capital growth by focusing on investing in companies, aligned with our sustainable investment themes.
Corporate Inheritance Tax planningWhen a company has too much cash, it can affect its ability to be free from inheritance tax. But companies have options.
FP Octopus UK Future Generations FundWe’re targeting long-term capital growth by focusing on investing in companies, aligned with our sustainable investment themes.
Corporate Inheritance Tax planningWhen a company has too much cash, it can affect its ability to be free from inheritance tax. But companies have options.
Venture Capital Trusts
Venture Capital TrustsTo find out more information Click here
Octopus Future Generations VCTInvesting in businesses that are helping to build a sustainable planet, empower people, or revitalise healthcare.
Octopus Titan VCTInvestments in tech-enabled businesses with high growth potential.
FP Octopus UK Future Generations FundWe’re targeting long-term capital growth by focusing on investing in companies, aligned with our sustainable investment themes.
Corporate Inheritance Tax planningWhen a company has too much cash, it can affect its ability to be free from inheritance tax. But companies have options.
Estate planning is set to be the biggest advice opportunity of the next decade.
One solution advisers should definitely have in their locker is Business Property Relief (BPR), which addresses one of the biggest client barriers to starting estate planning.
New research from Octopus reveals:
How estate planning can lead to more assets under advice.
Why clients are increasingly wary about giving up access to capital.
The value of making BPR an integral part of your estate planning toolkit.