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Unlock more estate planning opportunities

11 Feb 2020 Reading time: < 1 minute

Estate planning is set to be the biggest advice opportunity of the next decade.

One solution advisers should definitely have in their locker is Business Property Relief (BPR), which addresses one of the biggest client barriers to starting estate planning.

New research from Octopus reveals:

  • How estate planning can lead to more assets under advice.
  • Why clients are increasingly wary about giving up access to capital.
  • The value of making BPR an integral part of your estate planning toolkit.

Whilst BPR-qualifying investments are a useful estate planning solution for some clients, they are not without risk:

  • The value of an investment, and any income from it, can fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the full amount they invest.
  • Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and could change in the future.
  • Tax relief depends on portfolio companies maintaining their qualifying status.


business property relief
unlocking estate planning
estate planning

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