INVESTING Individual Investor Financial Adviser Institutional Investor FUNDING Entrepreneur Real Estate

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Download buyback forms

If you want to sell your shares through you will need to download and complete both of the forms and send them to us with their share certificate (CREST form and share certificate not required if you have Octopus Titan VCT ISA shares).

Download CREST forms

Titan VCTDownload
Apollo VCTDownload
Octopus AIM VCTDownload
Octopus AIM 2 VCTDownload

Download buyback forms

If your client wants to sell their shares through us they (or you) will need to download and complete both of the forms and send them to us with their share certificate (CREST form and share certificate not required if they have Octopus Titan VCT ISA shares).

Download CREST forms

Titan VCTDownload
Apollo VCTDownload
Octopus AIM VCTDownload
Octopus AIM 2 VCTDownload